Homework 2

Due: September 24, 2019 by Dr. Fenner


Read through the rest of Chapter 2

To submit

The purpose of this assignment is to get you to do some basic SQL



NOTE: Hardcopy is due on the podium in the classroom at or before the beginning of class. Any hardcopy turned in after that time — even by a few minutes — will be counted as late. This is a firm deadline.


Do Exercise 2.4.1(a-e) in SQL.

Place all your files in a single directory hw2. Create a zip of this directory: in the parent directory, type

Upload the created file hw2.zip to Dropbox. Note that you are not required to include output in your submission. You should check for yourself that everything runs correctly before you submit.


Exercise 2.2.1

The relation Accounts:

acctNo type balance
12345 savings 12000
23456 checking 1000
34567 savings 25

The relation Customers:

firstName lastName idNo account
Robbie Banks 901-222 12345
Lena Hand 805-333 12345
Lena Hand 805-333 23456

In Fig 2.6 are instances of two relations that might constitute part of a banking database. Indicate the following:

  1. The attributes of each relation.
  2. The tuples of each relation.
  3. The components of one tuple from each relation
  4. The relation schema for each relation
  5. The database schema
  6. A suitable domain for each attribute.
  7. Another equivalent way to present each relation.

Exercise 2.2.2

In Section 2.2.7 we suggested that there are many examples of attributes that are created for the purpose of serving as keys of relations. Give some additional examples.

Exercise 2.3.1

In this exercise we introduce one of our running examples of a relational database schema. The database schema consists of four relations whose schemas are:

    Product(maker, model, type)
    PC(model, speed, ram, hd, price)
    Laptop(model, speed, ram, hd, screen, price)
    Printer(model, color, type, price)

The Product relation gives the manufacturer, model number, and type (PC, laptop, or printer) of various products. We assume for convenience that model numbers are unique over all manufacturers and product types; that assumption is not realistic, and a real database would include a code for the manufacturer as part of the model number. The PC relation gives for each model number that is a PC the speed (of the processor, in gigahertz), the amount of RAM (in megabytes), the size of the hard disk (in gigabytes), and the price. The Laptop relation is similar, except that the screen size (in inches) is also included. The Printer relation records for each printer model whether the printer produces color output (true, if so), the process type (laser or ink-jet, typically), and the price.

Write the following declarations:

  1. A suitable schema for relation Product.
  2. A suitable schema for relation PC.
  3. A suitable schema for relation Laptop.
  4. A suitable schema for relation Printer.
  5. An alteration to your Printer schema from above to delete the attribute color.
  6. An alteration to your Laptop schema from above to add the attribute od (optical-disk type, e.g., cd or dvd). Let the default value for this attribute be 'none' if the laptop does not have an optical disk.

Exercise 2.4.1

To populate the tables, put INSERT INTO commands in a file ex2-4-1.sql, using the data given in Figures 2.20 and 2.21 to populate the tables.

Render the following queries as SELECT statements. Place these in text files ex-2-4-1a.sql, ex2-4-1b.sql, etc. Check that they return the correct results.

This exercise builds upon the products schema of Exercise 2.3.1. Recall that the database schema consists of four relations, whose schemas are:

    Product(maker, model, type)
    PC(model, speed, ram, hd, price)
    Laptop(model, speed, ram, hd, screen, price)
    Printer(model, color, type, price)

Some sample data for the relations is shown in the figures below. Manufacturers and model numbers have been “sanitized,” but the data is typical of products on sale at the beginning of 2007.

Write expressions of relational algebra to answer the following queries. You may use the linear notation of Section 2.4.13 if you wish. Show the results of your query given the data below. However, your answer should work for arbitrary data (not just the data of these figures).

  1. What PC models have a speed of at least 3.00?
  2. Which manufacturers make laptops with a hard disk of at least 100GB?
  3. Find the model number and price of all products (of any type) made by manufacturer B.
  4. Find the model numbers of all color laser printers
  5. Find those manufacturers that sell Laptops, but not PC’s.


Figure 2.20

maker model type
A 1001 pc
A 1002 pc
A 1003 pc
A 2004 laptop
A 2005 laptop
A 2006 laptop
B 1004 pc
B 1005 pc
B 1006 pc
B 2007 laptop
C 1007 pc
D 1008 pc
D 1009 pc
D 1010 pc
D 3004 printer
D 3005 printer
E 1011 pc
E 1012 pc
E 1013 pc
E 2001 laptop
E 2002 laptop
E 2003 laptop
E 3001 printer
E 3002 printer
E 3003 printer
F 2008 laptop
F 2009 laptop
G 2010 laptop
H 3006 printer
H 3007 printer
Sample data for Product

Figure 2.21

model speed ram hd price
1001 2.66 1024 250 2114
1002 2.10 512 250 995
1003 1.42 512 80 478
1004 2.80 1024 250 649
1005 3.20 512 250 630
1006 3.20 1024 320 1049
1007 2.20 1024 200 510
1008 2.20 2048 250 770
1009 2.00 1024 250 650
1010 2.80 2048 300 770
1011 1.86 2048 160 959
1012 2.80 1024 160 649
1013 3.06 512 80 529
  1. Sample data for relation PC
model speed ram hd screen price
2001 2.00 2048 240 20.1 3673
2002 1.73 1024 80 17.0 949
2003 1.80 512 60 15.4 549
2004 2.00 512 60 13.3 1150
2005 2.16 1024 120 17.0 2500
2006 2.00 2048 80 15.4 1700
2007 1.83 1024 120 13.3 1429
2008 1.60 1024 100 15.4 900
2009 1.60 512 80 14.1 680
2010 2.00 2048 160 15.4 2300
  1. Sample data for relation Laptop
model color type price
3001 true ‘ink-jet’ 99
3002 false ‘laser’ 239
3003 true ‘laser’ 899
3004 true ‘ink-jet’ 120
3005 false ‘laser’ 120
3006 true ‘ink-jet’ 100
3007 true ‘laser’ 200
  1. Sample data for relation Printer
Sample data for relations of Exercise 2.4.1